Top 5 Motivation Theories - Free eBook in PDF Format

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Top 5 Motivation Theories  

Book Description - ISBN 921-4-86397-922-3 (36 Pages)
This free eBook describes the five most popular contemporary team motivation theories. Each of these offers you a different perspective on what it is that motivates people to be committed and productive team members..

Chapter 1 - McClelland’s Human Motivation Theory
The aim of McClelland’s Human Motivation Theory is to identify which of his three main motivators - Achievement, Affiliation and Power - is the dominant one for the individuals in your team. This knowledge enables you to tailor your approach specifically to give them what they need.

Chapter 2 - Sirota’s Three-Factor Theory
When a team is motivated they are more productive and a good manager wants to do everything practical to maintain. Sirota’s Three-Factor Theory states that there are three important factors – Equity/Fairness, Achievement and Camaraderie – that enable you to build an enthusiastic team. The trick is to find a balance between each factor that suits the majority of your team.

Chapter 3 - Alderfer’s ERG Theory
This theory is also based on identifying needs, but Alderfer’s ERG Theory, as the acronym suggests only has three levels – Existence, Relatedness and Growth. In addition to our basic needs Alderfer stated that ‘health’ of our working relationships and opportunities for personal growth were key to motivating staff. Organizations that provide clear opportunities for staff to grow and develop will have a motivated workforce.

Chapter 4 - Amabile and Kramer’s Progress Theory
Whilst such things as bonuses, time off in lieu, visible recognition are well-used motivators they are often not enough to retain long-term enthusiasm for work. Amabile and Kramer’s Progress Theory is based on the belief that people are continually engaged and motivated by consistently taking steps forward, even if they are ‘small’.
They identified six ideas - set clear goals and objectives, allow autonomy, provide resources, allow ample time, provide support and expertise and finally, learn from failure.

Chapter 5 - Handy’s Motivation Theory
Handy identified three key factors that he saw as being able to ensure that motivation is retained long-term. What is motivating today is unlikely remain so in the future. Handy’s Motivation Theory has three important factors – Needs, Expectation and Results – that when combined together will determine the amount of motivation an individual has when completing a task.

You will learn:
  • How to identify the dominant motivational factors for the people in your team using McClelland’s Human Motivation Theory.
  • Why finding a balance between Fairness, Achievement and Camaraderie can help you to build an enthusiastic team.
  • How to use Alderfer’s ERG Theory to identify opportunities for staff to grow and develop.
  • How to use the ideas of Amabile and Kramer’s Progress Theory to set clear goals and objectives, allow autonomy, provide resources, allow ample time, provide support and expertise and finally, learn from failure.
  • How Handy’s Motivation Theory can be used to increase an individuals motivation for a particular task.

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What is McClelland’s Human Motivation Theory?

  • McClelland’s Human Motivation Theory attempts to explain how the needs for achievement, power, and affiliation affect the actions of people from a managerial context.
  • The person who is motivated by sheer achievement is usually one who will relish in the opportunity to both set and accomplish goals.
  • Individuals motivated by affiliation want to work as part of a group and are not necessarily attracted to the idea of receiving praise and recognition for their work.
  • People who are motivated by power want to the lead a successful team and be recognized for the effort.
  • McClelland’s research showed that 86% of the population is dominant in one, two, or all three of these three types of motivation.
  • His research also found that people with a high need for achievement will do best when given projects where they can succeed through their own efforts.
  • He also found that people with a high need for affiliation may not be good top managers but are generally happier, and can be highly successful in non-leadership roles.


What is Sirota’s Three-Factor Theory?

  • Sirota’s Three-Factor Theory states that there are three factors which can come together to build enthusiasm within your team. Those factors are: Equity/Fairness, Achievement, and Camaraderie.
  • Equity/Fairness: This includes work volume, employee compensation, job security, and consistency in management behavior.
  • Achievement: Work should be challenging, yet also achievable, and people should have access to the resources they need to get the job done.
  • Camaraderie: A culture that encourages cooperation and teamwork induces enthusiasm among employees.
  • Many of the things you can do to promote motivation and drive within your team are as simple as giving them a comfortable, positive, and supportive place to come to work.


What is Alderfer’s ERG Theory?

  • ERG theory is a further development of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs that categorizes the hierarchy into three categories (Existence, Relatedness and Growth).
  • Physiological and Safety needs are placed in the Existence category, belonging and esteem needs into the Relatedness category, and self-actualization into the Growth category.
  • Alderfer also proposed that when needs in a higher category are not met, then individuals redouble the efforts invested in a lower category need.
  • For example if self-actualization is not met then individuals will invest more effort in the relatedness category in the hopes of achieving the higher need.


What is Amabile and Kramer’s Progress Theory?

  • Amabile and Kramer’s Progress Theory is the idea that people are motivated by taking steps forward on a consistent basis even if those steps are relatively small in the big picture.
  • To help your teams and individuals feel like they are making progress, there are six things that you can do.
  • Set Clear Goals and Objectives: Rather than just setting one single goal for an entire project, establish a series of goals.
  • Allow Autonomy: Autonomy all on its own can be motivating, as most people will strive to prove that they can deliver the work required.
  • Provide Resources: Think in advance about what your teams will realistically need to get the job done and they supply them with those tools and resources ahead of time.
  • Allow Ample Time: By giving enough time (but not too much) you can allow your staff to make progress consistently while staying on track for a timely completion.
  • Provide Support and Expertise: You likely have experience that the team does not possess, so you should be available to them for consultation from time to time.
  • Learn from Failure: Figure out exact why the failure occurred so you can deal with it appropriately.
  • Use the ideas outlined in this theory as you work to motivate your own teams and you will likely be on a path toward success.


What is Handy’s Motivation Theory?

  • Handy’s Motivation Theory implies that motivation is driven by more than ‘needs’ alone, that is, our own interpretations and assessments form additional layers determining and determined by our response to our own needs and the effects of those responses.
  • Needs: Maslow Hierarchy of Needs factors, personality characteristics, current work environment, outside pressures and influences.
  • Expectation: What does the person in question expect to receive in exchange for their effort?
  • Results: We must be able to measure the effect of what our additional efforts, resulting from motivation, will produce.
  • You can use this theory to understand people’s needs, link them to desirable results and make sure that their expectation of rewards is realistic.


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