Emotional Intelligence Models

There are three types of models available to measure an individual's level of emotional intelligence:

• Ability
• Trait
• Mixed models.

Some are self-assessment, such as EIQ, EQ-I, MSCEIT, TEIQue, and WEIS. Some assess groups' or teams' EI, such as GEC and WEIP, while others can only be used by accredited professionals who have been trained how to interpret and feed back the results, such as ESCI and GenosEI.

Emotional Intelligence Models

Some models, such as MEIS and MSCEIT®, test the ability of the individual rather than produce a self-report measure. When using MEIS (Multifactor Emotional Intelligence Scale) the individual performs a series of tasks that are designed to assess their ability to perceive, identify, understand, and work with emotion.

The MSCEIT® (Mayer, Salovey, Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test) model requires the individual to use their abilities with questions such as looking at faces in order to identify what emotions are present. This model helps you understand the actual intelligence behind emotions. This Assessing Emotional Intelligence Template enables you to record and define an action plan to develop your own emotional intelligence (EQ).

With such a wide variety of models available it is important when you are selecting a tool to ensure that you select one that is appropriate to your task. Some are specifically designed for staff development, while others can also be used for selection and recruitment. It is essential to ensure that whichever tool you use it is empirically reliable and evaluated.

You may also be interested in:
Measuring Emotional Intelligence | Ability-Based Model | The Trait Model | ES-I Bar-On Model | Mixed Models.

Key Points

  • The types of models available to measure an individual's levels of emotional intelligence are known as Ability, Trait, and Mixed models.
  • There are at least 15 models of emotional intelligence, each with its own proprietary assessment tool.
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