Successful Delegation - Free eBook in PDF Format

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Successful Delegation eBook  

Book Description - ISBN 978-1-62620-982-4 (31 Pages)
One of the fundamental problems that people have when making the step up to management is the inability to delegate effectively. This free eBook provides a practical guide to boosting your own and your team's productivity through successful delegation.

Chapter 1 - Delegation of Authority
There is no other skill that will increase your productivity to the same degree as being able to delegate successfully. As a specific skill, delegation is one that becomes increasingly more important as you progress through levels of management and will greatly increase your own productivity.

Chapter 2 - Principles of Delegation
The degree of authority delegated to an individual should be adequate to assure their ability to accomplish the results expected of them. In addition, you should avoid micro-managing the task, take the time to set up adequate controls and be prepared to allow others to make mistakes.

Chapter 3 - The Six Stages of Delegation
There are six stages you should follow so that your delegated activities are successfully completed. This logical process allows you to clearly define your requirements at each stage and will ensure that your personal productivity is optimized.

Chapter 4 - Delegation in Management
There are certain competencies and behaviors you must adopt to ensure your success when delegating work. These include giving full responsibility, focusing on the results, not on the process, providing the necessary resources, giving constructive feedback and providing backup and support when needed.

Chapter 5 - Monitoring Delegated Tasks
One of the most difficult problems you will face when monitoring delegated task is the so-called over-reporting problem. This becomes a greater risk as the complexity and length of the task increases.

Chapter 6 - Advantages and Disadvantages of Delegation
Once you have delegated a piece of work, it is vital that you not only monitor progress, but also provide regular feedback to the team member. Feedback is also a major contributor to motivation and empowers people by enabling them to build upon their successes and lets them know that their efforts are appreciated. This should improve their performance and enable them to keep their problems and concerns in perspective.

You will learn:
  • Why delegation is one of the most important management skills you can master.
  • How to decide whether or not a task is suitable for delegation.
  • The ten rules of successful delegation that will motivate and empower your team.
  • How to accurately monitor delegated tasks and avoid the over-reporting trap.
  • The six questions you need to ask in order to develop your delegation skills.

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Worth a Read
This is a well written book that much better than most of the new Kindle stuff on Amazon. The book is aimed squarely at working managers and assumes that you have direct authority over the people you are delegating to which might not always be the case if you are co-operating with another team. Having said that, the book does give the necessary facts to help you avoid the common problems people have when delegating, like passing over the responsibility without the authority. All in all worth a read - especially for free. No annoying adverts either.
Clive Thomlinson

Covers the Basics of Delegating Workplace Tasks
This book covers the basics of delegating workplace tasks. If that is something you have problems with then I would recommend this book. You could read it in a lunch break and probably work out what you were doing wrong. I have recommended it to other people I work with who like it as well.
Manish Kumar

I Learned a Lot From This Book
I've had to deal with a manager who was unable to delegate tasks, so this book helped empower me and helped me pass on the knowledge I learned to my colleagues who also were able to benefit.

Being able to delegate tasks, especially at the workplace, is extremely important. I got to learn this the hard way, after going through a bad experience at my office. I'm sure everybody has dealt with a bad manager before, whether it is dealing with a bad attitude or inefficiency, but the manager I had to deal with was not good at delegating work to the right people. After many bad decisions, the attitude in the entire office changed, our productivity was low, and people who were not responsible for problems that arose were reprimanded, and in some cases fired.

My old manager was fired and I was hired for the job. I knew I had to do a better job than my previous manager, so I searched the internet for ways to delegate tasks properly and came across this e-book which has helped me understand what delegation is, how to do it successfully, and how it helps keep morale in an office high.

Understanding how to delegate successfully can be the difference you need in a workplace. As a manager, or someone at a senior position at your place of work, you have to make sure you are ready to take the responsibility that comes with the job. Instead of attempting to try and do everything yourself, it is important to understand how to delegate work properly and how it can help improve efficiency at the workplace. It can also empower you as well as your colleagues.

If someone at my office has a background in databases, then I'll go to him or her for that kind of work. Similarly, if someone has experience working with a particular accounting system or programming software, I'll give him or her the task. The responsibility, however, still lies with me, because I am delegating a task to someone I think knows how to do their job, therefore, the burden is on my shoulders. I need to make sure that I pick the right person. This point in the book is something I found to be very informative and crucial to understand, especially in my circumstance. My manager didn't pick the right people and when they were unable to complete the task, they were demoralized and the work would not get done.

Another helpful factor in the book was about planning out tasks in a timely manner. If in a deadline based job, I understand that people may get a project late in the day and have to stay overtime at work. However, if you are working in a non-deadline based environment, then it is easier to plan tasks ahead of time so that people can complete the tasks when you need them to without any delay.

Understanding tasks was something my previous manager was not good at. If there was a task that was nor particularly easy or could be done within a certain time limit, my manager would get upset, again demoralizing the entire office. In this book I've learned that setting realistic goals is something that is beneficial to you as well as the person you assign the task to. For a manager, a realistic goal means that you have allotted a fair amount of time to a colleague to get a job done, and for the colleague a realistic goal means they can get the job done without getting stressed out.

This book had so many great points that have really helped me as a manager and as a successful leader. My office productivity has improved as well as the office environment. I would highly recommend reading this book if you, like me, have had a tough time managing an office and understanding how to delegate tasks.
Francisco Hernandez


How to Delegate Tasks - Delegation involves giving someone else the responsibility to perform a task that is actually part of your own job. Delegation is not as straightforward as it might first appear. It always carries with it an element of risk, since you are assigning to someone else work for which you retain the ultimate responsibility.

Delegation Tips for Managers - Once you have identified someone that you think the task could be delegated to, you should establish whether or not their present workload would allow them to take it on. If so, you will need to specify the delegated task and agree the level of support that will be required.

Procrastination Help - While we all know that we shouldn't procrastinate, sometimes it is hard to make the right decision and tackle the problems that are in front of us. This can be especially difficult for someone in a management position who might have difficult decisions to make that have real-world consequences for the staff and the business as a whole.

Are All of Your Goals SMART - In team or project environments, SMART goals are essential. The clarity of the goal, along with its defined measures and relevance to the project, ensure all members know exactly what is required of them and by when.

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