Assessing Relationship Management Checklist

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Assessing Relationship Management Checklist  
Assessing Relationship Management Checklist

This checklist provides you with a quick and easy way to assess the relationship management aspect of emotional intelligence. Relationship Management includes the identification, analysis, and management of relationships with people inside and outside of your team as well as their development through feedback and coaching. It also incorporates your ability to communicate, persuade, and lead others, whilst being direct and honest without alienating people.

In the best selling book of Daniel Goleman titled, 'Emotional intelligence why it can matter more than IQ' his definition of emotional intelligence was:

'Understanding one's own feelings, empathy for the feelings of others and the regulation of emotion in a way that enhances living'.

The book of Daniel Goleman's made two claims; firstly, that emotional intelligence may be more important than IQ for an individual's personal success. Then secondly, emotional intelligence can be improved unlike an IQ. These claims resonated with many people and has created emotional intelligence as a hot topic especially for those focusing on personal development.

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There is general agreement that the factors that Goleman and his colleagues have identified are indeed emerging as a key element of workplace success. This is because the way that most organizations work has changed in the last 20 years with fewer levels of management. This has led to a less autocratic management style and roles that tend towards more knowledge based, team working and customer focused generally giving individuals more autonomy.

Before you can plan how to develop your EQ you need to assess what your current level of personal and social competence and how it compares to that required of your role.

• Personal Competence - self-awareness and self-management
• Social Competence - social awareness and relationship management

Once you have this identified your current level of each competency and you can decide the best way you can achieve the level you require for your current or a future role.

This final aspect of EQ means you use your awareness of your own and others emotions to build strong, effective and lasting relationships. It is this part of your EQ that enables you to succeed in inspiring other people and helping them to reach their full potential. The competencies identified for an individual to operate at a high-level of relationship management are:

• Communication
• Influence
• Conflict Management
• Leadership
• Building Bonds
• Developing others
• Change Catalyst
• Teamwork & Collaboration


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